Choosing Your People - Have You Chosen Wisely

Today on For Your Benefit with Bob Leins, the NITP weekly radio show dedicated to all things for the Federal employee, Bob and I spoke about choosing the people to name in your "documents," be it the Agent under your Power of Attorney, the Trustee for a trust for your children or your spouse, or the Personal Representative under your Last Will and Testament.

The question, of course being, if you could look back over how it all worked out, would the Grail Knight say to you:

You Have Chosen Wisely

One of the things we talked about was thinking three dimensionally - it is easy to put someone's name down on the piece of paper, but what happens next? How do they deal with the things that will happen, with siblings, with "in-laws" and with all the morbid improbabilities that you have to consider when you plan for someone to take over for you.

For more of the conversation, you can listen to a podcast here.

Categories: Estate Planning, News